Molecular Sieve

 A molecular sieve is a material with pores (very small holes) of uniform size. ... Other molecular sieves are used as desiccants (some examples include activated charcoal and silica gel). The diameter of a molecular sieve is measured in ångströms (Å) or nanometres (nm).


  • 4A Molecule Sieve

    4A Molecule Sieve

    4A Molecule Sieve is a type of synthetic zeolite used for dying, purifying, and separating gases and liquids. it has uniform pore openings of approximately 4 angstroms ( Å) in diameter, which determine what molecule it can absrorb...

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  • 3A Molecule Sieve

    3A Molecule Sieve

    3A Molecule Sieve is a type of zeolite with a pore size of approximately 3Å. This pore size allows the sieve to absorb molecules with effective diameters samller than 3Å. 3A Molecule Sieves are widely used in Vacuum Glass(...

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  • 13X Molecule Sieve

    13X Molecule Sieve

    13X Molecular Sieve is a highly porous material commonly used for gas and liquid separation, drying, and purification processes. It is made from synthetic zeolite and has a larger pore size compared to other types of molecular sieves (approximately...

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